Current tenders
- Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-11 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables required for RTPCR Lab installed at different Govt. Health Institutions of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-11).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-10 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-10).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-10 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-10).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-09 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-09).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-09 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-09).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-08 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-08).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-08/RE-TENDER (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate tablet for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-08/RE-TENDER).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-08 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate tablet for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-08).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-07/RE-TENDER (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-07/RE-TENDER).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-07 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-07).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-07 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-07).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-06 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-06).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-06 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-06).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-05 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-05).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-05
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-05 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-05).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-04 ( Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar” vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-04).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-04
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 02.07.2024" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-04
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 18.06.2024" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-04
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-04 (Tender for Rate Contract & Supply of Glucometer Machine, Glucose Test Strips and Auto Disable Lancets for the State of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-04).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/24-04
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-03 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-03).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-03
(6) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-03
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-03 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate tablet for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-03).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/24-03
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-02 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-02).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-02 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-02).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-02
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-02
(6) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/24-02
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-01 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-01).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-01
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 12/06/2024" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-01
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 28/05/2024" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/24-01
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-16 ( Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-16).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-16
(5) Technical Minutes vide tender No-BMSIC/DRUGS/23-16
(6) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-16
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-14 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-14).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-14
(6) Technical Minutes vide tender No-BMSIC/DRUGS/23-14
(7) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-14
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-12 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-12).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-12
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-12 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-12).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-12
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-12
(5) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No.-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-12
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-11 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-11).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-11
(5) Technical Minutes vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-11
(6) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-11
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-11 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-11).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-11
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-10 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-10).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-10
(4) Technical Minutes of Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-10
(5) Financial Minutes vide Tender -BMSIC/DRUGS/23-10
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-10 (Tender for Rate Contract & Supply of Glucometer, Glucose Test Strips and Auto Disable Lancets for the State of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-10).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-10
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-10
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-09 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-09).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-09
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-09 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities for the state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-09).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-08 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-08).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-08
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-08 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-08).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-08
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-08
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-07 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-07).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-07.
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-07
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-07 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-07).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-07
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-06 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-06).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-06
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-06
(5) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-06
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-06 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-06).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-06
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-06
(5) Cancellation Notice
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-05 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-05).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-05
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-05
(6) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-05
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-05 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/ Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-05).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-04 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-04).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-04
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 16.06.2023" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-04
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-04 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/ Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-04).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-04
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-03 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-03).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/ DRUGS/23-03
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-03
(7) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-03
(8) Cancellation Notice
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-03 (Tender for rate contract and supply of lab consumable items for all NTEP labs (DMC) for state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-03).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-03
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/ CONSUMABLES/23-03
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-02 (Tender for rate contract and supply of consumables items for C & DST Lab under National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) for state of bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-02).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-02
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-02 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-02).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-01 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-01).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/23-01
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-01 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-01).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-01
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 26.05.2023" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-01
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 21.04.2023" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/23-01
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-15 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-15).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No-
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 06.03.2023" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-15
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 05.04.2023" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-15
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-14 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-14).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-14
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-14
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-13 (Re Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-13).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-13
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-13
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-12 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-12).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-12
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-12
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-11 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-11).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-11
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-11
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-10 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-10).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-10
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-10
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-09 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/ Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/ CONSUMABLES/22-09).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Tender Cancellation Notice
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-09 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-09).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting for opening of Technical bids" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-09
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-08 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of consumables items for C&DST Lab under National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) for state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-08).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/22-08
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-08 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-08).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-08
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-08
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-07 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/ Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/ CONSUMABLES/ 22-07).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/ CONSUMABLES/22-07
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 18.11.2022" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-07
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting dated 27.12.2022" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-07
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-07 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-07).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Corrigendum III
(6) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-07
(7) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-07
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-06 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medial Devices/ Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/ CONSUMABLES/22-06).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-06
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-06
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-06 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-06).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-06
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-06
(6) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-06
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-05 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
vide Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-05).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-05
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-05
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-04 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-04).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/ 22-04
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-04
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-04 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
vide Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/22-04).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-04
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-04
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-03 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-03).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Corrigendum III
(6) Corrigendum IV
(7) Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/ 22-03
(8) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-03
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-03 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-03).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-03
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-03
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-02 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”, Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-02).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-02 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
vide Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-02).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-02
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-02
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-01 (Tender for rate contract and supply of consumables items for C&DST Lab under National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) for state of Bihar”, vide Notice Inviting Tender No.-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/22-01).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-01 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-01).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Minutes of the Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/22-01
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/22-01
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-17 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-17).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-17
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/21-17
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-16 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-16).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-14 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-14).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-13 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-13).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ DRUGS/21-13
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-13
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-12 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar”,
Notice Inviting Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-12).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-12
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-12
(7) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-12, Dated:- 02.03.2022
(8) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-12
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-12 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Corrigendum III
(6) Corrigendum IV
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-12
(8) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-12
(9) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-12
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-11 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
Tender No.- BMSIC/SANITARY NAPKIN/21-01 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Sanitary Napkin for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I
(4) Corrigendum II
(5) Corrigendum III
(6) Corrigendum IV
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet" vide Tender No- BMSIC/ SANITARY NAPKIN/21-01
(8) Cancellation of Tender No. BMSIC/SANITARY NAPKIN/21-01”, vide Tender No.-BMSIC/SANITARY NAPKIN/21-01
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-10 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-11 (Short Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices & Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-10 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 07.10.2021
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-10
(5) Minutes of the Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-10
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-09 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Minutes of the Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-09
(4) Minutes of the Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-09
(5) Minutes of the Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting for opening of technical bids vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-09
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-09 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Device & Consumable for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-08 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs and testing kits used under National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 11.08.2021
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 18.08.2021
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 26.08.2021
(6) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-08
(7) Minutes of the Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-08
(8) Minutes of the Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting for opening of technical bids vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-08
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-08 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices & Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/21-08
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-07 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 14.07.2021
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 22.07.2021
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-07
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/DRUGS/21-07
(7) Notice regarding Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-07
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-07 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Home Based New Born Care (HBNC) Kits for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 25.06.2021
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/21-07
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/21-07
(6) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/21-07
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-06 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-06
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-06 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices & Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/21-06
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-05 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2021-2023).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-05
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/DRUGS/21-05
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-05 (Re-Tender for the Procurement, Rate Contract & Supply of Medical Devices/Consumables required for RTPCR Lab installed at different Govt. Health Institutions of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 02.06.2021
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/ MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-05
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-04 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices & Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-04 (Tender for the Procurement, Rate contract & supply of Drugs for different Govt. health Institutions of Bihar for year 2021-2023).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 31.05.2021
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-04
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/DRUGS/21-04
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-03 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar in view of Pandemic Emergency Situation prevailing due to Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak for the year 2021-2023).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-03
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/DRUGS/21-03
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-03 (Tender for the Procurement, Rate Contract & Supply of Medical Devices/Consumables required for RTPCR Lab installed at different Govt. Health Institutions of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 07.04.2021
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 19.04.2021
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 29.04.2021
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 05.05.2021
(7) Corrigendum V Dated 12.05.2021
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-02 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2021-2023)
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-02
(4) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/DRUGS/21-02
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-01 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices & Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 15.03.2021
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/21-01
(5) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/21-01
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-01 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2021-2023).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/21-01
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-17 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar in view of Pandemic Emergency Situation prevailing due to Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak for the year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-17
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-16 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 13.01.2021
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-16
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-15 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-14 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply Drugs and testing Kits used under National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-14.
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-12 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-12.
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-13 (TRe-Tender for rate contract and supply of Rabies Vaccine for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/20-03(Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices & Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting, dated 03-10-2020 for Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/20-03
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-11(Tender for rate contract and supply of Rabies Vaccine for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 13.10.2020
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-10(Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 26.09.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 10.10.2020
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Sheet vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-10.
(6) Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting vide Dated 12.01.2021
(7) Minutes of Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/DRUGS/20-10 Dated 14.01.2021
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-09(Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 26.09.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 10.10.2020
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-09.
(6) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting, dated 07-01-2021
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-08(Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar in view of Pandemic Emergency Situation prevailing due to Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak for the year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 26.09.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 10.10.2020
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-08.
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-07(Tender for rate contract and Supply of Rabies Vaccine for Different Healthcare facilities of State of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 18.08.2020
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-06(Tender for rate contract and supply Drugs and testing Kits used under National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-06.
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/20-02(Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices & Consumables for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 26.09.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 10.10.2020
(5) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLE/20-02
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLES/20-01(Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs/Medical Devices/Consumables for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar in view of Pandemic Emergency Situation prevailing due to Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak for the year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 12.06.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 26.06.2020
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 11.07.2020
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 14.07.2020
(7) Office Memorandum Dated 22.07.2020
(8) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Chart vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/20-01.Dated 19.08.2020
(9) Technical Minutes of Meeting for Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES/20-01 Dated 25-08-2020
(10) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/ CONSUMABLES/20-01.
(11) Cancellation Notice.Dated 05-12-2020
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-05(Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar in view of Pandemic Emergency Situation prevailing due to Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak for the year 2020-2022).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 12.06.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 26.06.2020
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 30.06.2020
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 14.07.2020
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 14.10.2020
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-04(Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 27.04.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 12.05.2020
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 26.05.2020
(6) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting Opening vide Dated 19.06.2020
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-03(Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 27.04.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 12.05.2020
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 26.05.2020
(6) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-02(Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 25.03.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 27.04.2020
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 12.05.2020
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 26.05.2020
(7) Corrigendum VI Dated 17.06.2020
(8) Corrigendum VII Dated 07.07.2020
(9) Corrigendum VIII Dated 17.07.2020
(10) Corrigendum IX Dated 31.07.2020
(11) Preliminary Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 14.10.2020
Tender No.- BMSIC/DRUGS/20-01(Tender for rate contract and supply of Rabies Vaccine(Human) for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 24.03.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 14.04.2020
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 12.05.2020
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 26.05.2020
(7) Corrigendum VI Dated 17.06.2020
Tender No.- BMSIC/SANITARY NAPKINS/19-01(Short Tender for Rate Contract & Supply Sanitary Napkins for the State of Bihar for the Year 2019-2021).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 27.01.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 18.02.2020
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 24.02.2020
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 04.03.2020
(7) Corrigendum V Dated 17.03.2020
(8) Corrigendum VI Dated 25.03.2020
(9) Corrigendum VII Dated 27.04.2020
(10) Corrigendum VIII Dated 12.05.2020
(11) Corrigendum IX Dated 26.05.2020
(12) Corrigendum X Dated 10.06.2020
(13) Corrigendum XI Dated 16.06.2020
(14) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 22.10.2020
(15) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting for Tender No- BMSIC/SANITARY NAPKINS/19-01 Dated 12.11.2020
(16) Minutes of Minutes of Technical Specification Committee Meeting for Verification of Samples of Sanitary Napkins vide Tender No-BMSIC/SANITARY NAPKINS/19-01 Dated 15.02.2021
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-12 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 27.01.2020
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 11.02.2020
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 24.02.2020
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 17.03.2020
(7) Corrigendum V Dated 25.03.2020
(8) Corrigendum VI Dated 27.04.2020
(9) Corrigendum VII Dated 12.05.2020
(10) Corrigendum VIII Dated 26.05.2020
(11) Corrigendum IX Dated 10.06.2020
(12) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting Opening vide Dated 19.06.2020
(13) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 20.10.2020
(14) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting Dated 25.11.2020
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-11 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs used after Kidney Transplant for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 03.12.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 24.12.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 07.01.2020
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 16.01.2020
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 05.03.2020
(8) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting of Tender no. BMSIC/DRUGS/19-11 Dated 24.07.2020
(9) Minutes of Technical Committee Meeting for Opening of Tender no. BMSIC/DRUGS/19-11 Dated 23.01.2020
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-10 (Short Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Bleaching Powder, Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate tablet & Lime for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 26.11.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 11.12.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 13.12.2019
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 27.12.2019
(7) Technical Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 10.01.2020
(8) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 02.03.2020
(9) Technical Evaluation Committee Minutes of meeting vide Dated 20.03.2020
(10) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting after factory inspection vide Dated 19.06.2020
(11) Financial Evaluation Committee Meeting vide Dated 22.06.2020
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-09 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs used in Treatment of Tuberculosis for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 10.10.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 21.10.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 25.10.2019
(6) Technical Specification Committee minutes of meeting vide Dated 04.10.2019
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 13.12.2019
(8) Technical Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 18.11.2019
(9) Technical Evaluation Minutes of meeting vide Dated 12.02.2020
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-08 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 18.09.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 10.10.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 21.10.2019
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 25.10.2019
(7) Corrigendum V Dated 01.11.2019
(8) Technical Specification Committee minutes of meeting vide Dated 04.10.2019
(9) Technical Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 18.11.2019
(10) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/19-08
(11) Technical Evaluation Minutes of meeting vide Dated 12.02.2020
(12) Technical Minutes of meeting Vide Dated 29-09-2020
Tender No.-Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-07(Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Albendazole Tablet for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 29.08.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 16.09.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 25.09.2019
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 30.09.2019
(7) Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 04.10.2019
(8) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 04.11.2019
(9) Technical minutes of meeting vide Dated 08.11.2019
(10) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting vide Dated 28.11.2019
(11) Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting vide Dated 05.12.2019
(12) Technical Evaluation Minutes of meeting vide Dated 16.01.2020
(13) Technical Evaluation Minutes of meeting vide Dated 01.01.2020
(14) Technical Evaluation Minutes of meeting vide Dated 06.02.2020
(15) Financial Evaluation Minutes of meeting vide Dated 10-02-2020.
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-06 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Bleaching Powder, Halazone Tablet & Lime for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 14.08.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 22.08.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 11.09.2019
(6) Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 04.10.2019
Tender No.-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLE/19-05 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Haemoglobinometer machine, Test strips/ Cuvettes and Auto disable lancets for the State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 19.11.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 04.12.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 10.12.2019
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 24.12.2019
(7) Corrigendum V Dated 07.01.2020
(8) Technical Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 17.01.2020
(9) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 27.02.2020
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-05 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Document
(2) Corrigendum I Dated 04.07.2019
(3) Corrigendum II Dated 15.07.2019
(4) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 06.08.2019
(5) Technical Minutes of meeting after Factory Inspection vide Dated 29.08.2019
(6) Technical Minutes of meeting vide Dated 20.08.2019
Tender No.-BMSIC/ MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMALE/19-04 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Glucometer Machine, Glucose Test Strips and Auto Disable Lancets for the state of Bihar for the year 2019-2021).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 25.10.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 11.11.2019
(5) Technical Specification Committee minutes of meeting vide Dated 18.10.2019
(6) Technical Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 06.12.2019
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 27.01.2020
(8) Technical Evaluation Minutes of meeting vide Dated 12.02.2020
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-04 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
Tender No.-BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLE/19-03 (Short Tender for rate contract and supply of POC Kits (Point of care test Kits for Syphilis) for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar for the year 2019-21).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 14.10.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 21.10.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 25.10.2019
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 11.11.2019
(7) Corrigendum V Dated 18.11.2019
(8) Technical Specification Committee minutes of meeting vide Dated 04-10-2019
(9) Technical Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 29-11-2019
(10) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 05-02-2020
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/19-03 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 25-02-2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 06-03-2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 18-03-2019
(6) Technical Opening Minutes Vide Dated 08-04-2019
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 09-05-2019
(8) Technical Minutes of the Meeting Vide Dated 28-05-2019
(9) Technical Minutes of the Meeting Vide Dated 12-06-2019
(10) Financial Minutes of the Meeting Vide Dated 14-07-2019
Tender No.- BMSIC/ REAGENT/19-02 (Tender for rate contract and supply of reagent for ABG Analyzer machine (Model-siemens 348 EX) for different healthcare facilities of state of Bihar for the year 2019-2029).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 18.09.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 09.10.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 21.10.2019
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 25.10.2019
(7) Technical Specification Committee minutes of meeting vide Dated 04.10.2019
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICE/CONSUMABLE/19-02 (Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Salt Testing Kit for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 22-08-2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 02-09-2019
(5) Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 04.10.2019
(6) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 28.11.2019
(7) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting Dated 01.01.2020
Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/19-02(Re-tender for rate contract and supply of Drug for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 06.02.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 13.02.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 25.02.2019
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 06.03.2019
(7) Corrigendum V with Annexure A&B Dated 18.03.2019
(8) Minutes of the Technical Opening committee Dated 08.04.2019
(9) Notice for Inviting claims/objection/clarification Dated 03.06.2019
(10) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Checklists.Dated 03.06.2019
(11) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting Dated 12.06.2019
(12) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting after Factory Inspection Dated 26.07.2019
(13) Financial Minutes of meeting vide Tender No- BMSIC/DRUGS/19-02 Dated 09.08.2019
Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLE/19-01(Re-Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumable for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 27.02.2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 13.03.2019
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 27.03.2019
(6) Minutes of the Technical Opening committee Dated 08.04.2019
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation Checklists Dated 22.05.2019
(8) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting Dated 12.06.2019
(9) Minutes of Technical Evaluation Committee Meeting after Factory Inspection Dated 26.07.2019
(10) Financial Minutes of meeting vide Tender No- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLES Dated 09.08.2019
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 06.02.2018
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 14.02.2018
(5) Corrigendum III Dated 22.02.2018
(6) Corrigendum IV Dated 06.03.2018
(7) Technical Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 14.04.2019
(8) Preliminary Technical Evaluation sheet Dated 26.04.2019
(9) Technial Minutes of Meeting Vide Dated 19.06.2019
(10) Financial Minutes of Meeting Vide Dated 21.06.2019
Tender No.-BMSIC/DRUGS/18-11 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Malaria and Dengue Testing Kits and Drugs for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 06-03-2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 18-03-2019
(5) Technical Opening Minutes Vide Dated 08-04-2019
(6) Technical Minutes of Meeting Vide Dated 30-05-2019
(7) Preliminary Technical Evaluation vide Dated 15.05.2019
(8) Technical Minutes of Meeting After factory Inspection Vide Dated 26.07.2019
(9) Technical minutes of meeting vide Dated 27.08.2019
(10) Financial Opening Minutes of meeting vide Dated 13.09.2019
Tender No.- BMSIC/MEDICAL DEVICES/CONSUMABLE/18-03 (Tender for rate contract and supply of Medical Devices/Consumable for different healthcare facilities of State of Bihar 2018-2020).
(1) Tender Notice
(2) Bid Document
(3) Corrigendum I Dated 02-01-2019
(4) Corrigendum II Dated 10-01-2019
(5) Technical Minutes of meeting Dated 26-03-2019
(6) Technical Minutes of meeting after factory Inspection Dated 13-08-2019
(7) Financial Minutes of meeting vide Dated 26-08-2019